
Thursday, July 20, 2017

Yet another dream

Saw crazy dream Daniel again last night. Had a nice chat.

"So," I said upon seeing him. "Oceana's a Towerborn."

"So he is," Daniel replied.

"How'd you know?" I asked.

"Horizon," he said, as if that explained anything.

"Exsqueeze me?" I asked.

"I've seen her memories too," he said.

"So you've been inside her head?" I asked.

"Yup," he said.

"Are you sure you're not the Grotesque?" I asked.

"Like, 95 percent sure," he said.

"That's comforting," I said. "So, any chance you know where Oceana's hiding out?"

He shrugged.

"I might be able to find out," he said. "Not sure though. Could take a while. Could be entirely impossible."

"You mean getting in his head, right?" I asked.

"Yeah," he said. "You and Horizon are still human, but I've never tried entering a Towerborn's subconscious. The Newborn might be able to block me out."

"So how does that work exactly?" I asked.

"It's complicated," he said. "The best way I can describe it is that I can use people's relationships to form a bridge between their minds. I could cross into Horizon's subconscious because of how much time you two have been spending together."

"And you can get to Oceana's mind through her?" I asked.

"We'll see," he said. "May have to pull some dream gymnastics to make it work."

"Okay," I said.

We stood in silence for a minute.

"Have you ever been in Ciel's mind?" I asked out of curiosity.

"Try to avoid her's," he said. "She is a mean bitch."

"At least you don't have to work with her," I said. "So do you mind if I ask more about how you look into other worlds?"

"I guess," he said. "What do you wanna know?"

"Like, can you connect with anyone's alternate self?" I asked.

"Only if I'm in their head," he said.

"So you're limited to the two of us right now?" I asked.

"Yep," he said.

"Think I could see a bit more?" I asked.

"We got some time before sunrise," he said. "And I do know a good scene you might like."

"Alright," I said.

Suddenly, we were both standing at the edge of a cliff in some kind of surreal nightmare world. In the distance, there was a heated battle taking place between me and... I'm not sure what it was...

It was huge, towering over me. It's head was bigger than my body. It didn't have a face other than it's glowing red eyes, that were constantly flashing with crimson lighting. IT had long black hair and giant bat-like wings. and four arms coated in armor.

And the version of me fighting it had giant, black and red wings, glowing red eyes, and a jagged purple scythe. I was flying around, dodging the giant monster's attacks and trying to slash at its eyes.

"What am I looking at exactly?" I asked.

"That thing killed a bunch of your friends, so you went berserk on its ass," Daniel said.

"Why am I flying?" I asked.

"Something about you gaining Fear powers," Daniel said. "There's a lot of context you're missing. Incredibly convoluted. It'd make a nice video game though."

"Oh, yeah," I said sarcastically. "I'm sure loads of people would get a kick out of that."

The other me continued weaving between the monster's arms, and managed to blind one of its eyes.

"How am I even staying airborne?" I asked. "Those wings don't look aerodynamic at all."

"I dunno," Daniel said. "Magic?"

"And look at what I'm weilding!" I said. "That looks even more impractical than my actual scythe! And my actual scythe is an actual scythe!"

"Pfft," Daniel said. "You should see the blue one."

"What's up with the blue one?" I asked.

"I honestly don't even think that one qualifies as a scythe," he said.

The other me took out the other eye. The monster continued to attack me with its arms.

"So what is that thing exactly?" I asked.

"Powerful," Daniel replied. "Makes the Archangel look like a wuss.

"I refuse to accept that as fact," I said.

"Well, this is only a part of the entity," he said. "I have trouble pronouncing its name."

The other me got in a powerful strike to the monster's head, causing it to shrink in upon itself and vanish, being replaced by a floating, glowing crest, resembling an hourglass overlapping a circle. , and emitting a fierce red light. The other me absorbed some of that light into his body, and raised his scythe into the air, channeling power through it. A bunch of diamond shaped symbols flashed briefly in front of him, for a split second, before he shouted "IT'S OVER!" at the top of his lungs and slashed with his scythe. A second after the scythe cut through the crest, the space the blade had just passed through exploded, and the crest shattered.

"Okay," I admitted. "That looked pretty cool."

The vision ended then.

"I don't have much time," Daniel said. "Sun comes up soon. But once it goes down again, I'll see what I can do about tracking down Oceana."

"Thanks," I said. "Let me know how that goes."

"Sure thing," Daniel said.

And that's about it. I'll keep you all up to date on if we can find Oceana.

1 comment:

  1. This makes me wonder if Subject Dreamer Leo is a related phenomenon...
